One Company's Waste, Another's Packaging

AnnTex has reduced its consumption of virgin plastic by utilizing recycled plastic for packaging its products. AnnTex sources the plastic from the company, Lindab, where the plastic previously served as a protective layer for metal coils.

Due to the round, customized, and unique nature of AnnTex's products, conventional packaging solutions like standard cardboard boxes are not feasible. Consequently, they sought a solution using the plastic film.

We can have a clear conscience. When we need to use plastic now, we make sure to use something that would have been waste and turn it into something useful for us. It gives a good feeling.
Ann Kjær, Owner of AnnTex

Implementing this initiative wasn't without challenges. Ann Kjær, owner of AnnTex, acknowledges that it required extra effort to succeed. Initially, they faced the challenge of handling the large plastic film roll and creating a packaging stand.

As with all new things, you can get used to it if you really want to. Now, we don't think about it anymore, and it has become a natural part of our daily routine. Overall, we think the implementation has gone well.
Ann Kjær, Owner of AnnTex

Ann Kjær mentions that AnnTex is a member of THE UPCYCL:

"I believe it's the only right way to go. It means a lot to me personally that we become greener and think in sustainable ways. It doesn't help to continue producing and just throw away. AnnTex's products are made to last for many years, but we want to do even better. It gives us a good conscience to know that we are using leftover materials that would otherwise have become waste to create something useful for us."

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