MCH is the biggest and most flexible experience center in Scandinavia, consisting of four locations: MCH Herning Kongrescenter (congress center), MCH Messecenter Herning (exhibition center), MCH Arena (stadium), and Jyske Bank Boxen (arena).
“We create unique experiences where people meet” is MCH’s slogan, and each year, around one million guests visit MCH’s four locations where a wide variety of events are held and where experiences are made.
This inevitably has a climate impact...

Therefore, we work purposefully – with head, heart, attitudes, and actions – to create the future of hosting. Hosting that meets the needs of tomorrow. This means that our efforts always aim to be responsible in terms of climate, social, economic, and legal aspects. We have focused on this for many years, and we will continue to do so through our focus areas: Recycling, Food, Social Responsibility, Energy, and Waste.
Maria Galmstrup, Sustainability Manager, MCH A/S

Responsible hosting with our hearts is our vision. We do everything with passion, and we're committed to sustainability and innovation. Recycling is an important part of our strategy to reduce waste and promote environmental responsibility. By transforming waste materials into valuable products, we not only minimize our ecological footprint but also inspire creativity and efficiency within our operations.
Maria Galmstrup, Sustainability Manager, MCH A/S